4 Link Building Strategies that Still Work

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As Google changes its preferences through its algorithm, brands and businesses follow suit. SEO has always been an essential segment of any digital marketing strategy, and as such, it continues to occupy every marketer’s mind today, as well. If Google likes you, your audience will have a better chance of finding your website, your social networks will bloom, and your brand will be all the rage. However, some of the finest SEO practices have been embraced, rejected, refined, and replaced time and time again, so many businesses struggle in their attempt to choose the right ones for their brand.

Some, on the other hand, persevere no matter the digital climate. A perfect example? Link building. The practice of dispersing your brand’s voice through relevant and valuable links across the web is steadfast in its leading position as one of the most valuable SEO methods ever. Today, in 2019, certain time-tested and omnipresent strategies in link building are still not only widely used, but appreciated by search engines. Let’s go over several of the most notable link building tactics you can use to help make your brand reputation grow in the digital realm, and beyond.

Quality Guest Posts

As one of those old but gold strategies, guest posting is reserved for the brands that are prepared to ensure their name and offer appears only in the most quality contexts possible. Why? Because a quality piece with a link to your website, bio, or product and service is significantly more valuable than a dozen of guest posts on subpar websites that have little to no relevant reach. Once you find websites that actually have authority in your industry, a guest post can be a beginning of a fruitful collaboration, not merely a one-time deal.

To earn a spot on such a website, you need to make sure that your content is of value to your readers, so much so that the website will recognize your unique views and your value. Referral traffic is another perk of this particular link-building approach, as the more readers are introduced to your brand through guest posts, the greater your chances of getting more visitors on your website as well. That in turn boosts your SEO relevance, in a similar manner your quality guest posts and backlinks do as well.

Build unique Infographics

Content that is created with the reader in mind can truly sell. However, when your goal is not only to promote, but to educate and build a reputation, then diversification is by far the best method that will get you those backlinks. We live in the era when being informed is the norm, and more websites are popping up with the sole purpose to disseminate information, based on well-researched data. You, as a trustworthy entity in your expertise need to place yourself high on the list of reputable sources of information.

This is where infographics step in to save the day for your link-building. Other websites will gladly reference your content if you manage to use relevant, up-to-date research and statistics, and bring forth a unique point of view. You can then share your infographic with other websites, relevant bloggers in your industry, and embed links within it that link back to other relevant pieces on your website. Keep your readers informed, and the web will gladly help you spread the word through quality backlinks.

Create Quality Content

The previous two link-building methods point to a very relevant common theme: content creation. An obvious must-have for any brand to truly set itself apart, a content strategy is by far your finest link-building asset at your disposal. That is precisely why every professional digital marketing company will stress the relevance of optimized content for your brand, continuous and consistent content delivery, and ensuring the linking quality of every single published post. Quality and quantity need to work hand in hand in order to make sure your content truly is link-worthy.

Only then can you approach any blogger, influencer, reporter, or authority website in your industry. Only then can you offer to co-author a piece with another relevant name in your business, which will only enhance the shareability of your content. When you skip the run-of-the-mill writing and do your best to ensure value, those links will just keep on coming.

Be included in Roundups

Many websites nowadays have those famous weekly, daily, or monthly roundups that bring their readers’ attention to the most relevant pieces mentioned. Now, if you are certain your content piece does have a valuable point of view and provides value, whether it’s a blog, a video, or an infographic, you should ask to be featured in those roundups. Chances are, if you do well the first time around, you will most likely deserve more than one appearance on that website in the future.

Another way to spread the word through this strategy is to keep an eye on any comments that might appear for those roundups, or more specifically, for your piece. Respond to your readers, and if you have a fully-formed relationship, you can sometimes offer even more valuable info from your website by linking to other content – especially if the readers ask questions that give you a perfect opening. The trendier the topics you choose to cover, the greater your chances are to be featured, mentioned, get more links to your website and your content, and ultimately build a stronger web presence.

While building links will always evolve to introduce new methods and discard the old and the outdated, these are some of those timeless link building techniques that should be included in your digital strategy. Use them wisely, steer clear of any black-hat techniques, and your brand reputation will soar.