Texas 3 Step

The Texas 3 Step is our marketing strategy here at Magnificent Marketing. It involves 3 simple steps that have proved successful time and again. Read below for a more indepth look at the Texas 3 Step marketing strategy.

How to Transform a Marketing Strategy into Business Success

The objective of marketing is to grow a business and deliver on company goals.

Determining a strategy to meet those goals is a struggle for many businesses.

In the past, companies have flittered between many different strategies. These strategies may have catchy names and a wild new approach. The problem is, these flavor-of-the-moment strategies may work for a little while, and they may deliver limited success, but it doesn’t last.

The moment passes, and the business seeks out a new strategy. Sustainable success remains out of reach as the business contorts and adjusts to whatever the new strategy might be.

The Texas 3-step marketing strategy is different:

  • It focuses on core marketing fundamentals

  • It’s simple, offering a strategy suitable for any business

  • It uses your core expertise and business strength as the focus

  • And, it capitalizes on human creativity and leverages technology for sustainable results.

This 3-step approach takes the mystery out of marketing and gives you a real road-map to business success anyone can understand.  

The Texas 3-Step Marketing Strategy

The Texas 3-step maps to the buyer’s journey. Rather than forcing your customers into a product or service, you’re helping them along. Here’s how it works:

Audience Development

1. Audience Development

The first step is simple – you’ve got to catch people’s attention.

Another way to describe it is, “Branding Awareness Engagement Building.” You need to identify the product or service you want to sell, and then find the people that need or want that product or service.

To do this, you need to understand the audience, what they are looking for and their needs. Find the connection between the audience and your product and expertise. Then, use that connection to create content that engages your audience. This is the “sweet spot” you can use to inspire and delight potential customers.

Be creative – this is the human element. Introduce yourself and let them know the fun is just beginning.

You have plenty of tools you can use at this stage. Automated email sequences, for example, let people engage with you when they are ready.

And, the HaaS (Humans as a Service) video content marketing program uses video as an entry point for your audience. Now, more than ever, companies are finding success with video marketing. Haas makes it easy for you, and the audience, to get started.

Online click funnels, podcasts, Facebook messenger bots, and webinars are all tools you can use to reach your audience. Your focus at this point is to connect and let them know you are a trusted resource.

Sales Funnel Development

2. Sales Funnel Development

Now that you have an audience, you need to decide what you want to do with them. We call this, “Developing the Relationship.” For most businesses, this means completing the sale.

Consider the buyer’s journey. What stages will your audience need to go through to reach the end? What questions will they have along the way? What impediments or problems will they (and you) need to overcome?

Your goal at this stage is to create a low barrier-to-entry offer to get them started and then strategically move them along the buyer’s journey toward the ideal end. A free trial of your product is one potential tool. A tripwire, or a low-cost and easy-to-accept offer, is another tool.

Let them see how your product or service works, and make it easy for the prospect to get started.

It’s also a good idea to test out a few tools, before you commit, to find the one that works best for you. Just keep the prospect’s needs and your ideal end in mind.

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3. Client Retention

Now that you have customers, it’s time to delight and amaze them!

Many companies are content to make the sale and then immediately begin looking for the next sale. They ignore the potentially massive market they have with their existing customers.

How can you turn them into return clients? How can you convince them to invest in another product?

Look at personalizing your brand message. Create content that truly speaks to them. Use what you know about the customer, like the messages they’ve opened and the content they use, to tailor the message. Create an offer specifically for them.

Think through the next phase of the buyer’s journey. Where do they go from here? What is the ideal next step for them and you?

A Marketing Strategy for your Business

Many companies struggle to find the “right” marketing strategy. Technology has shaped the world, and marketing, but the fundamental strategies still work. The right technology can help when you leverage it to meet your goals, but it can’t replace old-school, proven marketing strategies.

The Texas 3-step is based on fundamental marketing tactics that work. It leverages technology, the right technology, to deliver better results and reduce the cost and effort needed to meet your goals.

It’s the perfect mix of old-school and new to create an amazing experience for you and your customers.

Are you ready to work with a sustainable marketing strategy that delivers results? Contact Magnificent, a full-service, digital marketing company, for a free marketing consultation today.