How to Read Facebook Posts

How to Read Facebook Posts

The fast adoption of social media is anchored on supporting human’s nature of social interaction by allowing them to voice opinions, join virtual communities, and collaborate remotely. For example, Facebook has over 1.5 billion daily users who add over 700 million images and share posts daily. To engage such high value and high volume data is a challenge. This is why semantic and sentiment analysis methods have become crucial.

Why Experts Prefer Facebook Semantic Analysis

Many experts prefer Facebook posts for semantic analysis because it is the most widely used social media platform. About 79% of adults online report that they are on Facebook while 80% of U.S social workers opt it for connecting to their brands. Besides, about 47% of Facebook users indicate it has more impacts on their purchasing behavior compared to other social media.

Best Semantic Analysis Tools

 Here are the best tools to use to run Facebook Semantic analysis.

  • Facebook Insights: This is a Facebook-owned tool that can be used for analysis when the page hits more than 30 fans. The tool provides metrics about posts as well as the engagement they got. It also provides additional analysis such as location breakdown and demographics. The level of Facebook Insights is indeed impressive though other analysis tools are likely to work with it for additional assessment.

  • Rapidminer: This tool uses specialty text mining approach to assist brands to run a comprehensive semantic analysis. It is preferred by marketers because it helps to analyze unstructured content such as posts and likes together with structured data such as official publications. This makes it easy to identify key areas for business or product growth.

  • Hootsuite Insights: This tool is designed to make conceptual analysis and semantic analysis easy and fast. It also works with other tools such as Google Insights to help streamline data. To use Hootsuite Insights, a marketer can opt to track opinions based on keywords or follow automated assignments on specific keywords.

  • Stalkscan: This is another tool that is relatively easy to use to pull out hidden information from targeted profiles. Though the tool is used by millions of people, Facebook has tried to censor it with little success. Although people on Facebook might think that their data is secure, it is easily accessible using Stalkscan.

  • This is another common tool used for semantic analysis on Facebook. The tool can give data on the number of posts, comments, likes, and shares. You can specify the timeframe for analysis or go back to the time when a page was created.

Conceptual Reasons for Keywords Use

When creating posts, one of the main tasks is selecting the right keywords. By running Facebook sentiment analysis, marketers are able to understand what the target audience wants and their preferred word choice. They also understand the needs of the targeted audience so that the posts on their platforms deliver higher value. Other reasons for using keywords in posts include:

  1. Driving more traffic to specific pages or sites

  2. Improving ranking in search engine result pages (SERPs)

  3. Increasing the scope of coverage to get more viewers

  4. As a method of outdoing competitors

What is SEO Keyword?

To understand what an SEO keyword is, it is crucial to start with SEO concepts. SEO (abbrev for search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing a site or web page to get unpaid or organic traffic from search engines. It entails using the right keywords on the content and pages to make the site attractive when visitors search for something that is related.

An SEO keyword is any word or combination of words (phrase) that helps people to find a site through search engines. The goal is trying to get your pages and site gets listed at the top of SERPs. When looking for SEO keywords, it is important to analyze people's needs and use them in posts that offer answers. Think of this process as an interpretation for a cause and effect essay.

Common Language Concepts Equivalent to Keywords

When running SEO, marketers may opt to use different concepts that are equivalent to keywords. Though they might differ slightly, the overall effect is beneficial for your site to be found. Here are some of these concepts:

  • Long tail effect: There are two main types of keywords; head match and long tail. Long tail keywords comprise of three or more words. Today, most online searches are long tail searches. Good examples of a long tail keyword include: “How to cut weight in six weeks” and “Best dentist in London”.

  • Core and layers: The idea behind this concept is that when working on an SEO campaign, the smallest group of keywords (call them core words) are the most valuable and relevant. Then, the layer keywords help to anchor the core words. See the demonstration below:

Take the example of a keyword like “play free online poker”. “Online poker” represents the core keywords, while “play”, and “free” are tier keywords. Most people are likely to search for online poker while some might be interested in playing for free.

Facebook Post’s Concepts as Insights for Future Trend Analysis

The process of SEO evolution has been rather fast. After the introduction of the World Wide Web, digital marketing was as simple as submitting a site. That is right. Today, the landscape has changed as more advanced methods of SEO such as voice and video dominate.

Facebook is in the front line of helping to define SEO. Its posts’ concepts are providing crucial insights into the future of trend analysis. The focus is inclined towards adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and ingraining advanced technology to simplifying search and data analysis: Here are some of the concepts that experts can use to gain insights for future trend assessment:

  • Facebook Stories: This is a unique feature and concept on Facebook content that allows users to share videos with followers and friends. The content shared on Stories is only available for 24 hours. By April 2018, about 14 months after launch, Facebook stories had hit 150 million users. As more platforms adopt Stories, experts can use the data to understand the new customers and how to increase customer value.

  • Virtual Assistants: These are voice-enabled and AI (artificial intelligence) driven virtual assistants created by top tech giants. Great examples include Google's Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, and Facebook's Portal+. They are becoming crucial as voice recognition emerge as a central component in SEO.

  • Facebook Videos: Facebook management has emphasized that the future of digital marketing is videos. On Facebook, videos generate 135% more organic reach compared to photos. Therefore, video content can be used to gather data on user trends, new keywords, and shift towards videos.

Unlike most platforms that are focused on optimizing traffic and profits, Facebook is interested in defining the future. Because of its development team’s commitment to discovering new contents and test new concepts, Facebook words are likely to emerge as the future trends of SEO.


As social media becomes more central to people lifestyles, interpreting the resultant big data is crucial to defining SEO strategies that work. It is helping to provide insights into human conversation patterns and support the evolution of search engine optimization. The conversation patterns are also important in redefining marketing strategies, improving products, and strengthening brands.

Because of its large user base, Facebook is the leading platform in assisting marketers to understand human conversations. Experts in SEO see Facebook and its posts as important sources of data for understanding basic speech concepts, semantic and sentiment analysis. Besides, it is highly committed to developing and implementing new concepts. Therefore, the concepts from Facebook posts are considered by experts helpful for future trend analysis.

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